The Rainbow Bridge

The Rainbow Bridge
Flame Last Picture

Friday, January 13, 2012


December 15, 2012

It has been almost two months since I lost two wonderful companion animals. One was an elder cat whom I had for 17 years. He was white and dark tabby with a large heart spot on his side and a very pink nose. He always knew when I needed a hug or a snuggle when I was too sick to get out of bed. He was simply a lover boy.

I went out of town in August to visit family. Shortly after I came back kitty became less and less interested in eating. The pet sitter said he was eating fine while I was gone.


Rising Cost of Healthcare.

I thought kitty might have worms and called the local vet to ask what the office visit would cost. I was told that their standard procedure was to do blood work and testing, and expect to pay up to $200 up front. I knew that Kitty would not enter the hallowed halls of this vet's metal exam tables. I responded that I did not want blood work and tests. I thought the cat had worms and what would be the cost. I asked about paying half up front and half in 30 days. The gatekeeper said they no longer did this. After some more non-sensible robotic language the phone call ended.

After going through the phone directory and talking to friends, I realized that veterinary care of my companion animals was out of reach for me. What happened to the vet, who went to a veterinarian school and could look at an animal and feels his glands and organs and look at his mouth and give a diagnosis? Seems too many vets have turned into money mongers vs. taking care of a sick animal. No such thing as a sliding fee scale, either. Too bad tough luck if you are out of work or unable to work due to disability. No matter that your cat has stopped eating. Do you know that you should seek a vet if a pet has gone more than three days without eating?


The Vet Blessing

I finally found a Vet through friends at my church. He turned out to be a real blessing. When I made an appointment, I asked what the cost of an office visit plus worming would be. By now $75 seemed a lot less than $200. Then my kitty had an excruciating painful heart attack right on the exam table. The vet tech whisked him off to the ER to put him on oxygen and give him a shot for pain. With tears rolling down my face, I'm asking how much is this ER treatment costing. At the same time, I would have to realize my buddy is going to die and is in a lot of pain. The vet's responses were your kitty needs you right now and stop worrying about the cost. Thanks for a Vet which allowed me to get to and in what really mattered in my here and now.


End of a Love Affair

It seems worrying about what it is going to cost is about all I have done for the past 7 months. I was not really focused on how my animals were feeling, and doing. Yes, I provided the food and water and scratched their ears, but I had become almost mechanical about it. For the past one and a half years I have been obsessed about having to make money and beating my head against the wall. I was not really focused on how my animals were feeling and doing.

Now a veterinarian was asking me if I wanted him to put Mr. Lover Boy to sleep. Stammering, I tried to hold in the sobs. I asked if there were any other choices. I just could not let go. The Vet said yes there were two more choices. One was to put the cat in the hospital with IV's and oxygen, etc. taking weeks to recover.

What would be the quality of his life? I asked. No guarantees. The cat might live a few more days or weeks or even months. It would be big bucks. So what is option number 3? Pawspospice came the reply. I looked at him with a grin on his face, thinking, okay, this is a joke. I am not getting it. Then I had to laugh-Hospice for pets. As long as Kitty wouldn't suffer, I said. Mr. Pink Nose was wrapped up in a blanket with hot water bottles. I was given several needleless syringes to administer a pain killer/ anti-anxiety medicine every 6 hours. Now I could help this beloved friend let go by letting go myself and telling him I will be okay. His life on earth was complete.

I took him home and held him all evening while the dog and my other cat said their goodbyes. Sweet kitty came around one last time to give me his sign. He head butted my hand, saying he loved me. Later that night he passed on to the Rainbow Bridge, peacefully. I must've cried for several weeks. But I was also angry that someone living in poverty is being denied access to proper veterinary care for their animals. The Vet said if he had gotten Kitty even two weeks earlier, he could have helped him.

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